Sunday, April 04, 2010

Gees Yorkshire Pudding

Hi Dominic!
Recipe handed down to you by Gee (Muriel Bell) your great-grandmother (thats your fathers, mothers mother)

Serves FOUR people (so DOUBLE ingredients for 8!). You need oil, self raising flour, eggs, milk, salt & pepper.

  1. Pre-Heat oven to 200 C degrees 
  2. Heat 8 table spoons of sunflower oil (or whatever oil you have) in a baking tray on a cooking ring - until oil is smoking!
  3. Make the batter in a large bowl
    1. Weigh  ~1 large cup (150 grams) of self raising flour into the bowl. Note: MUST be SELF raising not PLAIN white flour!
    2. crack open 2 eggs and add to bowl
    3. pour in ~2 large cups (400mls) of green top (semi skimmed) milk
    4. add lashings of salt and pepper
    5. stir batter for a couple of minutes (or stir with electric whisk for 1 minute) 
  4. Pour batter into the smoking oil in the baking tray
  5. bake for about 40-50 minutes in oven until it looks like this....

Dominic, Enjoy Gees Yorkshire Pudding with your University of Kent friends!!

Gee with Benjamin Dimmick (i think)

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