Saturday, April 28, 2007

Goldilocks' planet may be just right for life


  • 00:01 25 April 2007
  • news service
  • Hazel Muir

Audio: Hear Stéphane Udry discuss this feature as part of SciPod, New Scientist’s weekly podcast.

For the first time, astronomers have spotted a cosy alien planet that might be hospitable to life. The planet is not much bigger than the Earth, and it enjoys balmy temperatures of about 20° C (68° F) as well as spectacular scarlet sunsets.

"It's the smallest, lightest planet known at this time," says Stéphane Udry from the Geneva Observatory in Switzerland. "And it's just at the right distance from its star for liquid water to possibly exist on its surface."

Udry and colleagues discovered the planet using the European Southern Observatory's 3.6-metre telescope in Chile. They monitored a small, dim "red dwarf" star called Gliese 581, which lies 20.5 light years away, and is already known to have a Neptune-class planet.

Subtle "wobbles" of the star suggested that it has two additional planets. One is about eight times as massive as the Earth and orbits once every 84 days. The other may be only five times as massive as the Earth, making it the smallest planet ever found around a normal star.

Just right

Theory predicts that the small planet should be about 50% wider than the Earth and have a rocky surface. It orbits its dim star every 13 days, and the astronomers calculate that it has a pleasant surface temperature of about 0 to 40°C – just right for liquid water, so the planet might be habitable.

"If you take an average value for the amount of starlight heating the planet, you get something like 20° C," Udry told New Scientist. That's similar to the average temperature in New York City, US, in June.

Astronomers have discovered "super-Earths" slightly larger than this one before. However, they are either too hot or too cold for liquid water to exist. The smallest world circling Gliese 581 is a "Goldilocks" planet with the conditions just right for potential life.

Spectacular sunsets

Sunrises and sunsets on the planet must be spectacular. If you could stand on its surface, you would see its red host star looming 10 times wider in the sky than our own Sun appears.

Team member Xavier Delfosse from Grenoble University in France says he hopes that spacecraft missions will probe the world for signs of life over the next decade or two.

"On the treasure map of the universe, one would be tempted to mark this planet with an X," says Delfosse. "Because of its temperature and relative proximity, this planet will most probably be a very important target of the future space missions dedicated to the search for extraterrestrial life."

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Friday, April 20, 2007

petition the Prime Minister to Give students on Open University Degrees the same rights & recognition as students at other universities.

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Give students on Open University Degrees the same rights & recognition as students at other universities. More details

Submitted by Kara Gerrie – Deadline to sign up by: 13 December 2007 – Signatures: 968

More details from petition creator

Currently OU students do not have the same rights and recognition as students at other institutions. For example, access to Student Loans to cover more than just course fees. OU is one of the best universities in the country as the students who are enrolled tend to have jobs, children etc so are aware of how much dedication is required of them before they start. There is also evidence to suggest that OU students are getting younger chosing OU format of study over conventional study but not receiving the same recognition for their efforts.

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Thursday, April 19, 2007

Longevity Science

This Scientific Blog represents research efforts aimed to understand the mechanisms of aging and longevity in order to extend healthy and productive human lifespan.

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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Google 15 - Motivation to lose weight - 5

the day after ... the Turkey holiday

Friday, April 06, 2007

Thursday, April 05, 2007

World Atheist Secular Prostelyser of Science (WASPS)

New blog here.

Join the WASPS
World Atheist Secular Proselytiser of Science

World: anyone anywhere in the world of whatever race, creed or colour
Atheist: the belief that the supernatural does not exist
Secular: the belief that the Church should be separated from the State
Proselytiser: one who proclaims
Science: a system of acquiring knowledge based on the scientific method

Tagline: WASPS ... a sting in the tail

Wanted: non copyright logo or image.

Date of Formation: 6th April 2007

What is Religion?

Religion meets a psychological need that some people have and it includes belief in the following:

  • A supernatural creator god - to try to answer the question "where did everything come from?"
  • A supernatural soul that survives death - to respond to some people's fear of death.
  • A supernatural after-life - heaven/paradise and hell. (*)
  • A holy book - written by men but believed to be "the word of god."
  • A prophet or messenger from god. (*)
  • A "church" - buildings and a hierarchical priesthood (predominantly male) between people and god. (*)
  • "Scholars" or "Learned men" who have to interpret the holy book and define religious rules/laws. (*)

* a few religions may not have these but anything that does not have the first two is not a religion.

One god - so many religions.

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Welcome to Hippoism - the UK's fastest growing religion

Welcome to Hippoism - the UK's fastest growing religion

A truly scientific explanation for the creation of the Universe

The Pink Hippo

* It is self-evidently true that:
1. All things must have a beginning and cause
2. All things are created by something.
3. The Universe must have had a beginning and cause.
4. Evolution is just a theory not a fact.
5. Nothing happens by accident.
6. Something must have designed and created the Universe.
7. The variety and complexity of animal and plant life means that there must have been an intelligent designer.

* The Pink Hippo is the designer and creator of the Universe and everything within it.
* "The Holy Book of The Pink Hippo" provides irrefutable written evidence that the Universe was created 6,047 years ago.
* The Universe, in all its complexity, came into being at that time - instantly.
* On Earth, geological formations and layers were created instantly.
* On Earth, fossils and archeological sites were created instantly.
* We do not need logic, rational thought or science to know that the Universe was designed by The Pink Hippo - it is a self-evident Truth.

The holy books of Hippoism

* "The Holy Book of The Pink Hippo": the story of creation and the words of The Pink Hippo.
* "The Revealed Truth" or "Revelations of The Pink Hippo": the recorded words of The Messenger.

Hippoists, Ahippoists and Hipponostics

* Hippoists: those who believe in The Pink Hippo, accept The Holy Book of The Pink Hippo and follow the teachings of The Messenger as written in The Revealed Truth.
* Ahippoists: those who reject The Pink Hippo and who will spend eternity in boiling lard.
* Hipponostics: those who think that the existence of The Pink Hippo can be neither proved nor disproved.

Proof of the existence of The Pink Hippo

* Everything has a cause so something or someone must have created the Universe.
* Other religions believe that a god created the Universe (*)
* That leaves the obvious question: "what created god?"
* The answer is simple: the Universe and all gods were created by The Pink Hippo.
* Some people ask: "who created The Pink Hippo?" This is meaningless because The Pink Hippo has always existed and will always exist.

* apart from atheists and ahippoists who simply say "we don't know" or believe that the Universe has always existed (in one form or another) and that matter can be neither created nor destroyed - it merely changes form over time. Such people will rot forever in boiling lard.

Hippoism, science and evolution - a challenge to atheists

Many ahippoists and atheists feel that science and evolution pose a threat to religious beliefs.

They could not be more wrong - we welcome and support much of the work of scientists such as Richard Dawkins.

Please click here to see how Hippoism embraces both science and evolution and considers neither to be any barrier to our religion.

The Hippoist blessing

To be said while standing on one leg, with nose in the air and arms positioned as in the image of The Pink Hippo:

"May The Pink Hippo bless you and may the grass be long and damp to speed your journey through life."

The Churches of The Pink Hippo and their members

Please click here for full details of:

* The differences between the Literalist and Interpretist Churches of The Pink Hippo.
* The structure and hierarchy of the Churches.
* Psychological profiles of the members of each Church.

Franchise opportunities

Both Churches of The Pink Hippo are run on a franchise basis.

Please click here for details of our franchise opportunities if you have a lump sum to invest, you are willing to work really hard on one day a week and you want to become extremely wealthy.

All logos, marks, ideas and material © 2007 Derbyshire Secularists and Humanists:
The Pink Hippo is a concept, religion and ideology developed and owned by Derbyshire Secularists and Humanists.
Applications for licences to use The Pink Hippo logo and other related material should be addressed to Derbyshire Secularists and Humanists.

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Atheist Action Central

Whatever flavour of atheist you are, Humanist, Rationalist or some other, this is the place to come to make a difference. This is not a so much a place for discussion, this is a place for ACTION!

see Atheist Action Central.

UK Atheist Action Central (updated 5th April) for UK

[UK] Sign the Petition to Ban Faith Schools
[UK] Sign the Petition to Remove the Daily 'Broadly Christian' Assembly in Schools
[UK] Get Involved with Your Local SACRE (Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education)
[UK] Help to get gods words removed from the Air Cadets
[UK] Email your MP about Bishops in the House of Lords
[UK] Email your MP to help make Humanist Weddings Legal
[UK] Email your MP about the teaching of Creationism as science
[UK] Email your MP about OFCOM allowing religious donation appeals on TV
[UK] Complain to the BBC about Thought For The Day on Radio 4
[UK] Contact Others in your area

[UK] Subscribe to the National Secular Society's newsline

[UK] Keep up to date with the Primary School Review
[UK] Engage in the Political Process - Make your views known!
[UK] Respond to Consultations by the Office Of Communications (OFCOM)
[UK] Subscribe to the Government Newsletter Service

[UK] Contribute to ProgressOnline

[UK] Have your say and support debates at IQ2

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