Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Beleaguered bear in bridge rescue

clipped from news.bbc.co.uk
The bear clings on for dear life

A 250lbs bear clings to a ledge on the Rainbow Bridge, near the town of Truckee, California.

The bear looks out after scrambling to safety underneath the bridge

The bear panicked and tried to jump over the bridge's rail after two vehicles drove past it as it crossed the bridge - it was stranded for almost 24 hours.

The bear watches as rescuers lower a net

Rescuers lower a nylon net from an army surplus store as the bear looks on. More than 100 people gathered to see the rescue.

The bear is finally free from the bridge

Rescuers shot the bear with a tranquiliser dart before using a pole to push it into the safety net.

The bear is lowered

An abseiler looks on as the bear is lowered to the ground.

The bear looks on

The sheepish looking bear finally makes it back to land. He then made a quick exit into the hills near the ski slopes of nearby Lake Tahoe.

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