Friday, September 21, 2007

10 Great Math Tricks to Do Calculations in Your Head

this is a great detailed list of helpful math tricks, most of them I didn't know before.
clipped from
clipped from


1. The 11 Times Trick

We all know the trick when multiplying by ten - add 0 to the end of the number, but did you know there is an equally easy trick for multiplying a two digit number by 11? This is it:

Take the original number and imagine a space between the two digits (in this example we will use 52:


Now add the two numbers together and put them in the middle:


That is it - you have the answer: 572.

If the numbers in the middle add up to a 2 digit number, just insert the second number and add 1 to the first:




1089 - It works every time.

2. Quick Square

If you need to square a 2 digit number ending in 5, you can do so very easily with this trick. Mulitply the first digit by itself + 1, and put 25 on the end. That is all!

252 = (2x(2+1)) & 25

2 x 3 = 6


3. Multiply by 5

Most people memorize the 5 times tables very easily, but when you get in to larger numbers it gets more complex - or does it? This trick is super easy.

blog it


Anonymous said...

Yellow on white is about the least visible of all type colours. I couldn't read a word.
George Wood

crabsallover said...

these pale green / yellow on white is a very quick way of posting stuff from Clipmarks to my blog. I will try to find a way to quickly make the text darker

crabsallover said...

a quick workaround is to highlight the yellow text with your mouse cursor