Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Stop taking sides - The term 'with us or against us' should only be used by fringe lunatics.

March 14, 2007 6:40 am

QUESTION: What is the one thing you would most like to see happen by this time next year?

On the internet everyone's a victim. Or to be precise, almost every tribe or grouping has found an outlet and the necessary commentator or statistics to paint themselves as a victim of oppression. Couple that with another trend, that people on the internet seem to gravitate towards those of similar views, and we have a problem.

The problem is that whatever dialogue is necessary to resolve issues of cohesion, tolerance, respect or oppression is becoming increasingly drowned out by those who scream the loudest on either side.

Over the next year I'd like to see more progressive liberals on "one side" building alliances and bridges with progressive liberals on "the other side". I'd like to see people stop thinking about their own tribe alone and consider where "the enemy" is coming from; to consider their fears and insecurity before re-asserting one's own. To have more empathy for everyone, not just their own.

I'd like to see a more progressive discussion on race, faith and gender politics tackling inequality for everyone. A bit vague, I know, but Tony Blair and George Bush will be gone soon. After that I hope most people will realise that the term "with us or against us" should only be used by or apply to fringe lunatics.

For other blogs in Cif's first anniversary series click here.

reposted from: cif - Guardian
my: highlights / emphasis / key points / comments

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