Sunday, February 11, 2007

"Science v Religion" versus "Science & Moral Philosophy v Religion"

From,629,n,n and my own blog on this article, I particularly liked 80. Comment #21660 in which iwentdowntotheriver ... makes a distinction between "Science v Religion" and "Science & Moral Philosophy v Religion".


80. Comment #21660 by iwentdowntotheriver on February 10, 2007 at 12:33 pm

I am getting very tired of all this carry on from theists usually but also from many atheists who are not willing to see the actual dichotomy that is taking place here.

First of all religion is the combination of two different things that are intertwined within the religious narrative. The first is a world view that attempts to explain things like creation, the movement of the planets etc. The second is an ethical system handed down by a super-natural god.

Now theists usually place science as being opposed to religion as a whole. Science in actual fact is only opposed to the first of these, and its extremely successful in its challenge. Hence the brilliance of modern theories of evolution, cosmology etc. Atheists often offer science as a complete alternative to religion but it is not and they are letting down the side of rationality when they do.

There is another aspect of the rational which challenges the second of these two things and that is philosophy in general and moral philosophy in particular.

The challenge is usually represented as:

Science vs. Religion

Instead it should be:

Science and Moral Philosophy vs. Religion

******************* end of iwentdowntotheriver post

Could any of these terms could be used in the phrase "Science & X vs Religion": where X = Ethics, Morals, Morality, Moral philosophy, Philosophy?

Maybe it should be "Science & Ethics vs. Religion"

or simply:

"Science & Philosophy vs. Religion"

Is Philosophy or Moral Philosophy, like Science, only concerned with aspects of reality that are not supernatural?

In Wikipedia the following seem relevant:-
  • is redirected to

reposted from:,629,n,n
my highlights / emphasis / comments

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