Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Darwin Day - Celebrating the birth of Darwin 12th February 1809

The Evolution of a Global Celebration
Of Science and Humanity

February 12, 1809 to April 19, 1882

Darwin's 200th Birthday will occur on February 12, 2009; it will also be the 150th Anniversary of the publication of his famous book, On The Origin of Species. So, together we can evolve a truly international Celebration to express gratitude for the enormous benefits that scientific knowledge, acquired through human curiosity and ingenuity, has contributed to the advancement of humanity. The objective of Darwin Day Celebration is to encourage existing institutions worldwide, such as municipalities, public and private schools, colleges and universities, libraries, museums, churches, private organizations and individuals to celebrate Science and Humanity every year, on, or near, February 12, Darwin's birthday!

2007 celebrations worldwide

reposted from: http://www.darwinday.org
my highlights / emphasis / comments

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