Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Sense About Science - Stars must 'check science facts'

reposted from BBC News

Hypodermic needle (Image: Science Photo Library)
Campaigners says celebrities need to check facts before going public
Celebrities have been asked to check their facts before lending support to scientific research and campaigns, rather than risk misleading people.

Some celebrity-backed campaigns have done more harm than good, such as linking the MMR jab to autism, says the charity Sense about Science.

The group has listed statements made by stars on topics such as organic food, pesticides and ways to avoid cancer.

It adds scientists' views on whether the claims are misleading.

The list is contained in a pamphlet which is being distributed to VIP clubs and restaurants across the UK, as well as management agencies and publishers.

It offers advice such as "if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is", and lists a phone number for concerned celebrities to call if they want to discuss anything with experts.

Tracey Brown, Sense About Science's director, explained the thinking behind the leaflet.

"All year long, people send us frustrating examples of celebrities promoting something that makes no sense," she said. "Once it's done, it's really difficult to undo."

Scientists, traditionally a quiet bunch, are now trying to redress the balance and finding ways of promoting fact over misinformation
Illusionist Derren Brown

"We are producing this leaflet to show those in the public eye just how easy it is now to get help from scientists," Ms Brown added.

"We know some people are not interested in good science or evidence [but] we are equally sure some will be glad to talk through claims they are asked to front."

One celebrity who is backing the campaign is illusionist Derren Brown. He said: "We are more than aware that the media prefer a shocking story over delicate fact.

"In areas like food, environment and medicine, this can have serious results," he added.

"Scientists, traditionally a quiet bunch, are now trying to redress the balance and finding ways of promoting fact over misinformation."

In November, Lord Rees, president of the Royal Society, called on the scientific community to become more involved in public debates about their research.

He added that there was a tendency for minority "strident" views to get exaggerated, leading to an unbalanced debate.

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