Thursday, November 09, 2006

British Heart Foundation - 7 out of 10 over 45 have high cholesterol

My cholesterol level is 5.2 mmoles /Litre (Boots test) or 5.1 (GP Nurse test). British Heart Foundation say it should be <5.0>

How is cholesterol measured?

Measuring cholesterol levels involves a simple blood test. This can be done either through a full blood test or a pinprick test. It is measured in millimols per litre of blood. These tests should always be carried out by a GP or trained health professional rather than using a self test kit.

What is the ideal cholesterol level?

The BHF advises that people should have a total cholesterol level of under 5 mmol/1 and a LDL level under 3 mmol/1.

The average blood cholesterol level of people living in England is 5.5mmol/1. This is high compared to other countries. For example, in China the average is 4.5mmol/1.

Who is at risk?

Those most at risk are those people who have a high intake of saturated fat in their diets. However, you can lower your cholesterol level by reducing your saturated fat intake, increasing the amount of physical activity you do and increasing your intake of fresh fruit and vegetables.

BHF launched a campaign to highlight cholesterol - and get people to think more seriously about the health of their heart.

Today, nearly half of all deaths from coronary heart disease in Britain are due to raised cholesterol.

People should take positive steps to look after their hearts by cutting down saturated fats, increasing the amount of physical activity they take and eating more fresh fruit and vegetables.

You may have seen our adverts on TV, which show a series of animated characters worrying about the outward signs of ageing - such as getting wrinkles and loss of hair. But all of the characters show scant regard for their health - and especially their hearts. Watch the ad here.

And today ex Malaysian Prime Minister has heart attack.

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