Wednesday, June 13, 2007

7 Tips for Budding Entrepreneurs

clipped from
1) Fail. Alot.
take a chance on the road less traveled even if that road takes you out of your comfort zone
2) Consider the option of NEVER getting a "real job"
Self-employment may
not be everyone's first best destiny, but you may not know until you
3) Start your own gig.
Even if you're 12 years old, start a store on
4) If you have a choice between taking a job for money or because it is
something you would really love to do, don't go for the money.
If your
work happens to be something you are passionate about
, say something
you'd consider doing even if they didn't pay you, then the money will
follow eventually
5) Be passionate, but balance that with patience
passion and focus it on positive results
6) Relationships rule. It isn’t who you know. It isn’t what you know. It is who knows what you know and what you can do.
Impress extroverts
7) The absolute biggest thing I wish I knew when I was first starting out,
is that you can create your own job if you don't see any that you like
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